Keisuke Honda and Tulio: Soccer World Cup “commentators” are changing generations as well as players | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Keisuke Honda and Tulio: Soccer World Cup “commentators” are changing generations as well as players

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Keisuke Honda (left), who provided commentary for the live webcast, and Tulio (right), whose dry comments are popular.

The excitement is at an all-time high.

On November 23, Japan, a member of Group E, won the World Cup in Qatar, defeating the powerful German side.

Pre-war predictions were overwhelmingly in favor of Germany. In fact, the first half of the match was so poor that Japan’s coach Hajime Moriyasu seemed to have awakened in the second half, leading his team to a 2-1 comeback victory.

ABEMA, an Internet TV station, broadcasts all 64 matches of the tournament for free. The company “entered the market” with the determination to make a loss, while TV stations were hesitant to do so due to the unusually high broadcasting rights fees. The number of viewers on the 23rd topped 10 million, the highest number in the station’s history. The commentator for ABEMA was former Japanese national team player Keisuke Honda.

Honda is known for his big mouth, but he is also sharp in his commentary. His comments are always right on the money, and he has even been feted as a “soothsayer” by some.

For example, from the beginning of the match

Germany is not well adjusted,” he said.

When the first half ended 0-1, he said.

I would have played with three defenders at the back,” he said.

Moriyasu’s words were right on the money. True to his word, Moriyasu set up an ultra-aggressive lineup with three backs in the second half.

Honda’s “Kansai-ben” (Kansai dialect) intonation and occasional emotional outbursts were also part of the “Honda-busi” (Honda’s Japanese) style. In response to Rüdiger’s challenge to Takuma Asano on the right side of the field, he raised his thigh in the air as if to provoke his opponent, saying, “That was out of character.

He said, “That was out of character. That was out of character.

He was very angry and said, “That’s out of character.

Then, as soon as the upset victory was decided

He said, “Let’s calm down for now. It’s not decided yet. At any rate, you did a good job.

He praised the team’s performance. When the match against Germany was decided, Japanese players who play in the German league were often told by those around them

“That’s too bad.

When asked about an episode in which a Japanese player playing in the German league was called out by those around him, “That’s too bad.

I’m sorry to hear that,” he replied immediately.

I’m sorry,” he replied immediately.

He was also in good humor with Kobe defender Tomoaki Makino, a reporter on the ground. He has the stoicism of Hidetoshi Nakata, but he also talks frankly and casually.

It seems that the audience liked him very much. In the future, there will probably be a battle for the “Keisuke Honda commentator” position,” said a TV station official.

Another person who stands out as much as Honda is Tulio, a former Japan national team defender. In his case, he is sometimes controversial for his relentless and harsh talk.

In a YouTube video before the game, he called Takuma Asano, who scored the game-winning goal against Germany, a “goof!

You’re a sloppy player!
You defend well, but you’re the one who gets taken out!

He was also taking notes during the game.

He also criticized Moriyasu for taking notes during the game, saying, “Taking notes now is no good.

He said, “It doesn’t matter if you take notes now!
It doesn’t matter if you take notes. That’s what I hate so much. It doesn’t matter if you pay attention to what happened now afterwards.

The TV station staffer mentioned above was a bit bitter. One of the TV station staffers mentioned above said

The dry commentary that took away Sergio Echigo’s stock in trade. There are pros and cons to his undisciplined commentary, but from a TV standpoint, it is definitely a good thing. In a different way from Mr. Honda, I think he will be inundated with offers from now on.

Tulio pointed out.

Tulio apologized to Asano, who treated him like a sloppy player, in a video released on March 24.

I apologize.

Tulio apologized to Asano for treating him poorly in the video released on March 24. He continued

Maeda (Dainichi) is a slacker, Ueda (Kisei) is a slacker, and Asano is not a slacker. He did a good job.

Asano, you are no longer a sloppy player. Asano is no longer a boob. He scored on that big stage. Thank you very much.

He was a big fan of Asano. On the other hand

The other two (Maeda and Ueda) are still lousy. They are lousy, lousy.

He also made fun of the other two (Maeda and Ueda), saying, “They are still lousy.

I think he is passionate because he supports the national team more than anyone else. On the Internet, Tulio is known as a “reverse god” because the players he disses are successful. He is often criticized for his comments, but his presence shines through.

There is no doubt that Honda and Tulio have brought a breath of fresh air into the ranks of the well-known commentators, led by Yasutaro Matsuki….

  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi (Honda), Afro (Tulio)

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