The entertainment industry is watching! These two are the next “the other one” comedians | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The entertainment industry is watching! These two are the next “the other one” comedians

The Staff Saw It! Weekly "Behind the Scenes" Inside story of Television

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Kawashima was chosen to be the MC of the TBS morning information program “Lovit! which started at the end of March this year. Kawashima’s ability to skillfully handle the comedians who appear on the show on a daily basis is impressive.

The term “janai-kata” was used in some circles to refer to the less-impressive members of a comedy duo, but in 2009, “Ametalk! (TV Asahi) in 2009, the term “janai-kata” quickly became established. (TV magazine reporter) “As in this drama, the term has come to be applied to comedians other than duo comedians.

In “Ametalk! has become so popular that it has become a series, and in recent years, comedians who used to be “non-comedians” have become prominent.

“Masayasu Wakabayashi (42) of Audrey and Akira Kawashima (42) of Kirin were also once “janakata” comedians. In their case, Yuki Himura.

In their case, the characters of their partners such as Yuki Himura (49) and Toshiaki Kasuga (42) were too strong, and they just happened to be less impressive. His talent was highly acclaimed even back then, so it’s understandable that he was successful.

Of course, there are also “janegata” comedians who have retired or disappeared from TV. Of course, there are “janegakusha” comedians who have retired or disappeared from TV. A comedy agency insider points out that the difference is “the difference in effort while the partner is being featured.

In the case of “Kirin,” when Yutaka Tamura (42) got his breakthrough with his book “Homeless Junior High School Student,” there was a time when Kawashima was not allowed to wear a pin microphone even though they were appearing together on a TV show. Even though Tamura’s pin work only increased and he spent his days on standby, Kawashima didn’t get rotten and continued to post “#Daisy” on SNS. Kawashima continued to post “#DaiKiri” on SNS without becoming corrupt, and this led to him being invited to the original DaiKiri program. Wakabayashi and Ryota Yamasato (44) of “Nankai Candies” started doing live comedy performances in 2010, and their talents were recognized in programs such as “Taranai Futari” (Nippon Television Network Corporation), which was derived from their live performances.

In the past few years, the more prominent members of the duo, such as Ken Watabe (48) of Anjash, Hiroyuki Miyasako (51) of Ameagari Kessittai, and Yoshimi Tokui (46) of Tutorial, have increasingly been involved in scandals.

“It is undeniable that they are prone to arrogance because they are pampered by TV staff and women. Because of their popularity, they are often tempted to go out drinking and entertaining, which inevitably increases the risk of meeting antisocial forces. On the other hand, many of the “non-scandals” have low-key friendships and have the mentality that they can’t cause trouble for their partners, so they can stay away from scandals.

Who are the “janegakata” comedians who are likely to gain more recognition as pin-up comedians in the future?

Takashi Watanabe (43) of “Nishikigoi” is attracting attention as a stable talker with a good turn. Murakami, 36, of “Magical Lovely,” whose real name is actually Suzuki, and who has a deep knowledge of gambling and anime, may be worth teasing. Since Rikwa took over, there has been a growing trend in the TV industry to actively recruit new talent, such as the seventh generation of comedians. As a result, there are more and more programs that dare to cast “non-comedians”. If they can produce results there, they will have a better chance to break out.

Being categorized as a “not-so-nice” person may be a shortcut to a big break.

From FRIDAY October 1, 2009issue

  • Photo by Toshikatsu Tanaka

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