40 Indecent Videos and 100s of Photos of Women! A Former TV Station Employee and Graduate Student at Kyoto University Arrested!
About 40 videos and more than 100 photographs of naked women.
From the suspect’s computer, which the police seized, they found folder after folder with the names of women on them. Inside were a large number of indecent images.
The suspect, Yuushi Akagi, 31, a graduate student at Kyoto University, was re-arrested by the Shimogamo Police Station of the Kyoto Prefectural Police on November 1 on suspicion of violating the prefectural ordinance on prevention of nuisance activities. Akagi is a former reporter for San-in Chuo Television in Shimane Prefecture, where he worked until March of this year. This is the third time he has been arrested.
The first arrest was in September. In May, he allegedly drank alcohol with a woman in her 30s whom he met on a matching app, made her unable to resist, and took her to his home in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City. The two had never met before.
“In October, he was arrested for the second time on suspicion of violating the prefectural nuisance prevention ordinance. From February to April, he took pictures of the women naked with his smartphone at their homes and hotels. He photographed them six times,” said a reporter from the society section of a national newspaper.
The photos suggest a relationship.
The third victim of the arrest, an office worker in her 20s, also met on a matching app. It is said that she filmed a video of herself in the nude at Akagi’s home with her smartphone. When questioned by the police, Akagi said he would remain silent and would not confirm or deny the incident.
Akagi is a graduate of Hiroshima University’s Faculty of Law and had been working for San-in Chuo Television since April 2004. He worked at the Tottori branch office and other offices, and his work is serious. He is said to have been involved in coverage of sexually transmitted diseases.
The police seized Akagi’s computer and found a large number of indecent images taken from around 2001. It is possible that he had been committing crimes even before he started working at the TV station. The tactics used by the suspect were extremely vile.
There are two main methods: one is to get the victim into a drunken stupor and sexually assault her, as in the case of the first victim, and the second is to get women he meets on matching apps to enter into relationships with him. The second is to force a woman he met on a matching app into a relationship with him. The women who allowed themselves to be seduced by Akagi’s clever words and deeds ended up having physical relations with him.
However, Akagi probably did not intend to have a serious relationship with them. There is more than one female victim. Many of the women apparently refused to be photographed. Akagi was playing with the women’s feelings for sexual gratification.
The police are investigating, believing that some of the videos were stolen without the women’s consent.
Photo: Jiji Press Afro