Arrested for attempted obscenity… “Uma Musume” god composer “bizarre behavior after the crime”.
He said, “I saw a woman at another station and followed her because she was the type of girl I liked. We rode the train together and followed her to the bicycle parking lot.”
The man reportedly stated this in response to police questioning.
On October 24, the Himonya Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department arrested a 35-year-old man on suspicion of attempting to indecently assault a teenage woman. The suspect caught was Hidekazu Tanaka, a composer. He has provided music for many works, including the popular game “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” and the anime “THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS.
Tanaka is a very famous figure in the music industry who also writes songs for idol groups. He is called a ‘god creator’ and ‘god composer’ by anime fans and is highly respected. He’s also a brilliant graduate of Kobe University’s Faculty of Developmental Sciences.
He has composed “God knows”, an insert song for the popular anime “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”, and “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”. God knows…” and “Lucky Star” opening theme “Motteke! Sailor Buku”, he joined the music production team “MONACA” in 2010. In August 2009, he became a freelance music producer. He is probably one of the most promising creators at the moment” (editor of an animation magazine).
He was thrown into the dark with obscene words. ……

What kind of “acts” did the “god composer” commit?
On August 20, after 10:00 p.m., Tanaka apparently saw a teenage girl named A at a terminal station in Tokyo. He had never met her before, but she seemed to be the type of girl he liked. Tanaka followed Ms. A and followed her for four stations on the Tokyu Line.
He followed her from the station where she got off the train, and when she entered a bicycle parking lot about 10 minutes’ walk away, he spoke obscenities to her. He then pulled her by the arm and led her into a dark, deserted area. Ms. A resisted and ran away, fleeing to a nearby police box. Fortunately, she was not injured.
Later, Ms. A and her mother filed a damage report with the police. A security camera caught the suspect following her, leading to his arrest.
The “Idolmaster” series, for which Tanaka writes songs, features teenage female idols as its main characters, and the anime “Aikatsu! targets elementary school girls, and the crime against a teenage girl is too bad. There is a possibility that Tanaka’s music will no longer be used in many productions in the future.
On his YouTube channel, he has been the talk of the town as he calmly interacts with his fans while drinking alcohol. (Editor) “On his YouTube channel, he had been talking about his calm interaction with his fans while drinking alcohol. However, after the crime against Ms. A, he acted in a manner that could not be considered “godly. Here is Tanaka’s statement to the police.
I ran away in the opposite direction from the woman. I thought I would be reported.
The “god-composer” has lost the trust of his fans because he could not control his own desires.

Photo by: Shinji Hasuo