Kudos to EXIT Kaneko for pursuing “flower-throwing” Okuno in the past. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kudos to EXIT Kaneko for pursuing “flower-throwing” Okuno in the past.

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The “bouquet-throwing” fiasco against Mayweather that has been flaring up on the Internet. EXIT Kanekon, who previously pursued Mr. Okuno…

There has been a string of criticism of Mr. Takushi Okuno, the representative of the “Gobo no Tachi” party, who has become the center of the “man who threw a bouquet of flowers at Mayweather.

Mr. Okuno is being criticized by many as “the man who threw a bouquet of flowers to Floyd Mayweather,” the former world five-weight boxing champion, at the “Super RIZIN” event held at the Saitama Super Arena on September 25. vs. Mirai Asakura, and was in charge of presenting a bouquet to Mayweather. However, Okuno threw the bouquet away in front of Mayweather, a “barbaric act” that drew a flood of criticism from fight fans.

RIZIN CEO Sakakibara denounced Okuno as a “vile man” and apologized in the ring. He apologized in the ring. As for Okuno himself, he left the venue after the bouquet presentation without even watching the match,” said a sports newspaper reporter in charge of fighting.

The public’s criticism is quite natural, but among those who have voiced their opinions, not a few have been from the so-called “Okuno faction.

The president of Repezen Foxx, a five-member music unit with which I had an interview just a month ago, is a member of Okuno’s camp. Foxx’s DJ, who had just had an interview with Okuno a month earlier, held a live broadcast on his YouTube channel when he saw that Okuno was under fire on the Internet.

I’m just guessing, but I think Mr. Okuno has a lot of thoughts about America,” he said. I think he was thinking, ‘Don’t underestimate Japan,’ more than he was thinking about Mayweather.

He then commented on the throwing away of the bouquet.

I don’t think it’s normal. If it was a flame sale, it was the wrong way to do it. I think the news spread around the world, and the stock of Japanese people dropped.

He also pointed a severe finger at the Japanese people.

Hikaru, a popular YouTube star who fully supported the “Burdock Party” when it ran for the House of Councillors election, also updated his Twitter account, saying, “I am 100% sure that Mr. Okuno is at fault.

I think Mr. Okuno is 100% at fault.

There is no room for argument on that point. On the other hand, he said that he too had received slanderous comments.

I don’t understand why he is so angry that he is slamming people who were involved with Mr. Okuno in the past, and I think it’s strange that he is taking his anger out on them.

I think it’s just taking it out on him.

Mr. Okuno is well-connected in the entertainment industry and has a lot of money as a business owner. It is true that there was a tendency to “praise” him. However, there is no way to defend him in this case. It seems that some of the people who had been in contact with him have begun to distance themselves from him.

In the midst of all this, the stock of “EXIT” Daiki Kanekika, who had a frank and frank fight with Mr. Okuno in the past, is rising. Kanekika was a member of “ABEMA Prime election special MC EXIT” during the Upper House election in July. He engaged in a heated exchange with Mr. Okuno, who appeared on the program.

During the program, Mr. Okuno expressed his resentment that the major media did not cover his campaign. When asked about his goals for the future, he began to ramble on and on about his sense of crisis about Japan being at the mercy of the US. To this, Kaneko responded

He asked, “How do the celebrities who are supporting you hear about what you are doing now? Don’t they know anything about it?”

He asked. What this means is that “Gobo no Tachi” was initially a group that included actors Takayuki Yamada, Tomohisa Yamashita, and Shohei Miura, comedian Hiroyuki Miyasako, London Boots No. 1 and No. 2 atsushi Tamura, singer GACKT, “ONE” and “ONE” singer Gary Kanechika. GACKT, and “ONE OK ROCK’s Taka of “ONE OK ROCK” and others expressed their support for the campaign, advocating that “the important thing is a smile” rather than detailed policy debates.

This is why Okuno’s appearance on the program, in which he laid out his arguments on Japan-U.S. relations, had Kanekika considering the impact on the entertainers who had expressed support for the program. However, Okuno did not answer Kanekika’s question and continued to criticize the media. In response, Kanekika interrupted Okuno and asked, “Did you hear my question?

Did you hear my question? Many celebrities were supporting you, but did they understand and support everything you just said?”

He repeatedly pursued the question. Mr. Okuno responded.

I’m not sitting here because I’m bothered or not bothered…”

I’m not sitting here because I’m bothered or not bothered…,” he said.

I think that depending on how you do it, it might ruin your image. I think it might destroy the image. There are people with various images, and I’m in a position where I’m being supported. I think it might damage my image a little. I’m sorry to say this, but…”

I’m sorry to say this,” he added. The exchange without any discovery was a topic of conversation at the time, but after the bouquet-throwing incident, “Kaneshika’s eyes were right after all.

There are serious and goofy versions of Mr. Kanekon, and in the former, he is just very quick-witted. He is also attentive to all sides of the audience, so there is no doubt that he will become even more popular as an MC in the future.

His interaction with Mr. Okuno is the essence of his personality, and no matter whether he is talking to a celebrity or not, he is able to get right to the point when he thinks something is not right.

The “bouquet-throwing incident” is still causing a huge firestorm. We would love to hear Kaneko’s opinion on this…

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