Kei Komuro’s Path to Marriage with Princess Mako after Financial and Other Difficulties | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kei Komuro’s Path to Marriage with Princess Mako after Financial and Other Difficulties

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On September 27th, Mr. Komuro returned to Japan for the first time in three years and two months. When he returned to his home in Yokohama, he bowed to the assembled press.

On October 26, the couple will be married.

The two couples are Mako (29) of the Akishino family and Kei Komuro (30). On September 27, Komuro returned from his stay in the United States, and the Imperial Household Agency finally made an official announcement.

“This is the first time I’ve been able to get a sense of what the situation is like,” he said. With the troubles still unresolved, it would have been difficult for them to get married even next spring, let alone in October.

However, as has been reported, the couple will not be holding not only the “Nouai Ceremony” but also events such as the “Asami Ceremony” to express their gratitude to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress. Mako is also said to be declining the lump-sum payment of about 150 million yen that will be given to her upon her departure from the Imperial Family. By saying that her marriage to Kei is not related to the Imperial Family, the hurdle has been lowered.

It has been four years since Mako and Kei held their informal engagement press conference in September 2005. Four years after Mako and Kei held an informal engagement press conference in September 2005, we look back at the twists and turns of Mr. Komuro’s life up until he and Mako tied the knot.

The “Prince of the Sea” Who Captured Princess Mako’s Heart

The couple held their engagement press conference in September 2005.
Kei is escorted to work by officials from the Imperial Household Agency. He is fluent in English and scored 950 on the TOEIC test when he was a student.

It was in May 2005 that Mako’s engagement was announced. At the time, the whole of Japan was in a celebratory mood.

Mr. Komuro was a classmate of Mako’s at International Christian University (ICU). Kei, who has a fresh face, also devoted himself to another job while he was a student. In 2010, he entered a contest held by the city’s tourism association and won the title of “Prince of the Sea.

The two of them met in June 2012. One year later, at the young age of 21, Mr. Komuro proposed to her. They continued their relationship for five years, going on dates in Yokohama and Shonan.

At the time, Mr. Komuro was living with Kayo and his grandfather in an apartment in Yokohama. From there, he commuted to his workplace in Tokyo.

Mr. Komuro and Ms. Kayo drive home after their engagement to Princess Mako was confirmed.

Postponement of Marriage… Behind the Scenes of Princess Mako’s “Agonizing Decision

On the day the postponement of their marriage was announced, Mr. Komuro came out of the law office where he works. He bowed deeply to the press.

“It was in February 2006 that Mr. Komuro and Princess Mako announced the postponement of their marriage, citing “lack of preparation. Although there have been cases where marriage-related events have been postponed due to natural disasters or mourning, it was an unusual situation to stop all related ceremonies.

Behind the scenes, there was a circumstance that can only be described as “unheard of” for the Imperial Family. After the death of her husband in 2002, Kayo met a foreign trading company employee in his 60s through an acquaintance, and they became engaged.

During that period, Kayo received about 4 million yen in aid from the trading company man to help pay for Komuro’s tuition and study in the U.S., but the situation suddenly changed with the breakup. When the man demanded a refund, Kayo insisted that the money had been given to her as a gift, leading to a quagmire of trouble.

“Mako was so shocked by the news that she began to stay in her room more often than not. Even so, Mako’s feelings toward Mr. Komuro did not change. It took the Imperial Household Agency a long time to persuade her.

Around this time, dark clouds began to loom over their marriage.

Mr. Komuro commutes to work on the train with the SP. None of the passengers noticed.
Mr. Komuro is on his way to the lawyer’s office where he works as a paralegal. He is accompanied by an SP, and the monthly security fee is said to amount to about 5 million yen.

This is the first time I’ve seen him in action. ”Who’s going to pay for your study in the U.S.?”

Mr. Komuro and his mother, Kayo, go to work together. She was wearing a bright light blue dress.

While the fate of his marriage to Princess Mako is still undecided, Mr. Komuro has announced that he will attend law school in the U.S. from August 2006, aiming to become a lawyer. With Kayo’s debt problem still unresolved, how will she pay for her study abroad program, which will cost no less than 20 million yen? The event came at a time when public opposition to the marriage was growing louder.

I interviewed Mr. Komuro directly as he was leaving for work, but no matter what I asked, he did not respond. He and Kayo walked quickly to the nearest station.

The two of them walked together to their workplace. The announcement of Kayo’s study abroad before her financial troubles were cleared up was met with a lot of public dissatisfaction.
The mother and her son were surrounded by SP guards. The enormous security costs have been paid for by taxpayers.
Photo taken in July 2006. Mr. Komuro (far right) attends a meeting at his apartment. He seemed unconcerned and asked again, “Oh, I’m sorry, …….
Mr. Komuro is leaving for the United States to study.

The thought behind his long hair

Mr. Komuro, who had been studying in the U.S., came back to Japan on September 27th this year. This was his first return to Japan in three years and two months.

He was wearing a blue shirt from Ralph Lauren, a popular brand based in New York, and no tie. To the surprise of everyone who saw him, he had long hair, unlike when he was in Japan. In New York, where he was staying, he could not go to the hairdresser due to the new coronavirus and had fewer opportunities to meet people, so many men had long hair.

When interviewed by “FRIDAY Digital” about the new hairstyle, fashion designer Don Konishi said.

“I think it’s a New York-style appeal. Her hair has grown longer, giving her a wild impression. Compared to four years ago when she held her engagement press conference (September 2005), she seemed to be claiming that she had changed. I guess he wanted to show that he is different from the lad-like …… he was four years ago.

The United States is a free country. The experience of living in New York, where people with different cultures and customs live, and seeing Japan from the outside, where people are easily bound by conventions and promises, must have changed his way of thinking. He may have decided to follow his own style.

After completing his isolation at home, Mr. Komuro is scheduled to hold a press conference alone with Princess Mako. Once Mako completes the procedures for leaving the Imperial Family and getting a passport, they are said to start their new married life in the United States. Mr. Komuro showed his determination with his new hairstyle. I hope that he and Princess Mako will build a happy family in the “Land of the Free.

Kei Komuro returned to Japan on September 27.
Mr. Komuro returned to Japan on September 27.
Mr. Komuro returned to Japan on September 27.
Mr. Komuro returned to Japan on September 27.
  • Photography Shinji Hamasaki, Shinji Hasuo, Takao Kawakami, Yasuko Sakaguchi, Toshikatsu Tanaka, Yasuko Funamoto, Keisuke Nishi Photo Kyodo News Afro

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