Kishida’s new cabinet is “eerily uncharacteristic” – the underlying background | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kishida’s new cabinet is “eerily uncharacteristic” – the underlying background

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An impressive lineup! I would say… (Photo: AFLO)

The Kishida cabinet, which was unveiled on October 4, is immediately being ridiculed with the same phrase as the Kan administration a year ago.

“Abe’s Cabinet without Abe.”

The Kishida faction, with 46 members, is the fifth largest of the seven factions in the LDP. The fact that Mr. Kishida, the leader of a small faction, was able to win the presidential election thanks to the cooperation of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the actual leader of the largest faction, the Hosoda faction, and the second faction, the Aso faction, including Vice President Taro Aso and Secretary General Akira Amari.

As a result, the personnel lineup favored the three main factions, Hosoda, Aso, and Takeshita, and as a result, there was nothing new in the lineup.

As a result, there was nothing new in the lineup. However, he did implement his policy of appointing young people, which he set forth in his election campaign.

Six ministers in their 40s and 50s were selected, including Karen Makishima (44), who was elected to the House of Representatives three times, as Minister of Digital Affairs, Takayuki Kobayashi (46) as Minister of Economic Security, and Daishiro Yamagiwa (53) as Minister of Economic Revitalization and Corona Measures. This is a big change.

“Mr. Yamagiwa is a member of the Aso faction and is Amari’s right-hand man. Mr. Kobayashi is also from the Nikai faction, but is a regular member of Mr. Amari’s Diet. The Nikkei 225 dropped 622 yen to 27,822 yen on October 5, two days after the cabinet was inaugurated, as it became apparent that the monetary taxation was likely to be implemented mainly by Mr. Amari’s network.

(Political reporter) The LDP’s executive appointments have also been rejuvenated. Tatsuo Fukuda, 54, who has been elected to the House of Representatives three times, was selected as the chairman of the General Affairs Committee. Mr. Fukuda is the representative sponsor of the “Party Style Renewal Association,” which consists of 90 members who have been elected three times or less. The group has many supporters of Mr. Kono, and it looked as if it would work in tandem with the Kono camp in the presidential election.

“However, towards the end of the election, Mr. Fukuda stopped answering the phone no matter how many times the members of the Kono camp rang him, and it seems that his support for Kono became vague after all.

After the election, Mr. Fukuda revealed that he had voted for Mr. Kishida twice. The appointment of the chairman of the Internal Affairs and Communications Committee is a merit award for his actions. However, the original plan was to make Mr. Fukuda, who is well versed in policy matters, the policy chief, but Mr. Abe has reportedly expressed his reluctance. A member of the House of Councillors from the Hosoda faction explains.

“Tatsuo is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who is close to Abe, and he respects his father. He is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who is close to Mr. Abe, and respects his father. He also cites former Education Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, who is also close to Mr. Abe, as a politician he respects.

The position of policy chief is a key position in formulating policies and bills, so if he is selected, he will have a chance to show off inside and outside the party. It is certain that he will become a prominent figure.

On the other hand, the role of the Chairman of the Board of Governors is to make decisions for the party, and if he is elected three times, he will end up only approving the decisions and will not be able to make an impact. The moment he becomes the chairman is the peak of his career. Mr. Abe probably didn’t want Mr. Tatsuo to be the chairman of the policy research committee, a position that requires a lot of showmanship.

Nobuo Kishi, Minister of Defense, and Toshimitsu Motegi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, were the only two reappointments to the Cabinet this time around. Needless to say, Mr. Kishi is Mr. Abe’s younger brother. There are rumors about the other Mogi, who is expected to remain in office.

On September 17, in the midst of the presidential election, Wataru Takeshita, chairman of the Takeshita faction, died of esophageal cancer. It is said that Mr. Kishida rushed to the condolence meeting before any of the other candidates, and that the Takeshita faction was united as “Kishida”.

He said, “I would not have known to rush to the condolence meeting without a call from my relatives. After that, Mr. Mogi created an atmosphere of support for Kishida, saying, ‘Who was the first person to join hands with the chairman? This may or may not have been a factor, but in the end Mr. Mogi stayed on.

The Nikai faction, led by former Secretary General Toshihiro Nikai, had its intentions completely ignored. The Nikai faction, led by former Secretary General Toshihiro Nikai, completely ignored his wishes. The Nikai faction, however, has its own argument: “In the end, we changed our policy to support Kishida in the presidential election.

Fumiaki Ibuki, a leading figure in the Nikai faction, said to Nikai, “What are you doing? It’s not Kono. We’re going to run Kishida,’ and at the last minute, the Nikai faction changed the course of events so that Kishida would win. When I asked him why, he replied, “The tide has turned in favor of Kishida. When I asked him why, he said, ‘Because Kishida has gained the upper hand, and we want people to think that it was the Nikai faction that set the trend so that we can maintain our influence.

Did this apparent strategy in fact irritate Mr. Kishida? As a result, other than Kobayashi, the only other candidate to join the cabinet was Yamaguchi Sou as environment minister, and the Nikai faction did not get a good position.

These stories suggest that during the 12 days of the presidential election, there was a lot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering going on. The new prime minister, Kishida, announced that he would move from division to cooperation. Regardless of how the public perceives it, there is no doubt that there are those in the LDP who are saying, “What cooperation?

  • Reporting and writing Daisuke Iwasaki Photo AFLO

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