EXIT Daiki Kaneko “super smile” photo during 24-hour TV marathon | FRIDAY DIGITAL

EXIT Daiki Kaneko “super smile” photo during 24-hour TV marathon

Recorded the highest instantaneous rating of 28.9% after reaching the goal, the first solo runner in 5 years

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The afternoon of the second day of the marathon. He smiled at a fan waiting to go out. On his arm is a wristband given to him by a boy fan.

He said, “I ain’t crying. What?

On August 28, Daiki Kanekika (31) of “EXIT” ran 100 km as a runner of this year’s charity marathon on “24 Hours TV” (NTV). Despite crying before reaching the goal, he tweeted on SNS as shown at the beginning of this article. He received over 100,000 “likes” in one night. The highest household rating immediately after the goal was 28.9%.

He is athletic and has won “Getaway” (Fuji TV) and “SASUKE” (TBS). He is also aiming to conquer “SASUKE” (TBS). When his arm began to hurt during the marathon, the staff members were concerned that he was just running with a smile on his face, but he said he would never stop serving his fans.

In fact, the spirit of service is quite impressive. He fulfilled his promise to always run with a smile on his face, and showed a runner’s appearance that had never been seen before.

The runners in the past would finish with a limp and full of wounds, but Kanekikan finished the race with a cheerful and flirtatious attitude, which I thought was Reiwa’s “24-Hour TV”. I think that Kanekuni was the best casting choice for the program, which advocates a TV show that can be enjoyed by everyone in the household in the coming era,” said columnist Takahiko Kageyama.

(Columnist Takahiko Kageyama) “He cried as hard as he could, but he made a joke about not crying, which is why he is loved by men and women of all ages.

From the September 16, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

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