Nakata Cause’s Criticism Shifts Atmosphere at Yoshimoto: Oozaki Appointment a Failure | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nakata Cause’s Criticism Shifts Atmosphere at Yoshimoto: Oozaki Appointment a Failure

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Out!” on the issue of Hitoshi Matsumoto’s sexual assault. Nakata Kaus, a senior comedian at Yoshimoto Kogyo, says he is “out!

The comedy world is in an uproar over the furious comments of Yoshimoto Kogyo’s “monster comedian” Kausu Nakata.

In a direct interview with “Friday,” Kaus spoke about “Downtown” Hitoshi Matsumoto’s “allegations of sexual coercion” and said, “Matsumoto is out.

Matsumoto is out. If he had his hands on a customer or an amateur, he’s out.

He also said that as the parent who raised Downtown, he was not the only one who had a problem with the allegations. He also criticized former chairman Hiroshi Osaki, who is known as the father of Downtown, saying, “I’ve been a geisha for 57 years.

In my 57 years as a Yoshimoto comedian, the biggest mistake I made was making Osaki the president,” he said.

He is known as the father of Downtown. Kaus, who holds a unique position within Yoshimoto Kogyo, had an unexpectedly large impact in opening his mouth about the turmoil.

Kausu was called the mastermind behind the Yoshimoto Kogyo “family feud” that surfaced in 2007, and since then his image as a “fixer in the shadows” has taken root. As you can see from the article, Mr. Kaus is the only person who can interfere in the appointment of the president of Yoshimoto Kogyo. Since Mr. Kaus denounced the Matsumoto-Osaki line, there is a shock among Yoshimoto’s comedians.

Because Kaus has a conniving side, many people read too much into this exchange.

Among comedians who love gossip, the fact that Yoshimoto began to distance himself from Matsumoto after being bombarded with the Bunshun cannon is also a source of concern.

“Isn’t this all on Mr. Kausu?”

Some say, “Is it just Mr. Kausu’s idea?

If we replace Mr. Kaus’s words with those of Yoshimoto Kogyo, the tone of the comedians who have been defending Mr. Matsumoto may change. It had such a big impact.

Although the “Kaus question and answer” has been the subject of much speculation, there is a view that there is actually no deep plotting going on.

In his article, Kaus emphasized “what a comedian is. He warned against the “misconceptions” of NSC-educated comedians such as Matsumoto and others, saying loudly, “Don’t touch the customers.

He also mentions the “Yoshimoto seclusion” that has become a hot topic in some quarters, and stresses that comedians must compete only on stage and that there is no future for TV comedians.

He also emphasized that TV comedians have no future in the industry. He has been saying this for a long time. Osaka comedians have a “comedy fundamentalist” side, having been raised from the ground up. I think Mr. Kaus wanted to appeal once again to the giant company Yoshimoto to go back to the roots of comedians.

The Tokyo comedians whom Kaus admires most are SHIMOFURI MYOJO.

On the radio program “SHIMOFURI MYOJO’s All Night Nippon” (Nippon Broadcasting System) broadcast on March 29, Kouse and Seiya shared an episode from when they went to greet Kaus in his dressing room. Seiya said

Seiya said, “The other day I went to greet my master alone, and Master Kaus said something amazing to me. No comedian has ever said that to me. ……”

He cut to the chase

Kaus looked at me and said, “Yo,” as he brought his face a little closer to mine, “I’m a man with the DNA of Kaus Nakata! A man with the DNA of Kaus Nakata! He said, “Hey!

He revealed that he had unexpectedly been named as the successor.

Laughing, Kohin congratulated him, saying, “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! He said that he loves Kaus.

I’m so jealous!

He was really disappointed.

Both of them are active mainly in Tokyo, but they are serious and polite when it comes to comedy. They are both serious and polite when it comes to comedy. There is no doubt that he is the kind of comedian that Mr. Kaus likes.

The shock of Yoshimoto’s recent disaster has not yet subsided. Kausu’s one word may turn out to be the turning point in the series of Matsumoto’s uproar.

  • PHOTO Kei Kato

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